Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program


FSS is a program that helps you increase your earned income, reach your long-term goals and reduce your need for welfare assistance and rental subsidies.

An interest-bearing escrow account is established by the FWHA for you. Any increases in your rent because of
increased earned income during your participation in the program result in a credit to your escrow account.
Once you graduate from the program, you may access the escrow and use it for any purpose.

HUD-assisted families qualify for FSS. If you are a voucher holder or living in an FWHA unit and FWHA pays a portion of your rent on your behalf, chances are you qualify for the FSS Program.





Plan: The head of each participating family executes a FSS Contract of Participation that specifies the rights and responsibilities of both parties. The term of the FSS contract is generally 5 years.

Training Plan: Work with FWHA staff to develop your individual training and services plan (ITSP). The ITSP is the document that records the plan for the family. That is, the series of intermediate and long-term goals and the steps the family needs to take – and the services and resources they may need to access – to achieve those goals.

Services: Some of the services coordinated through the program include: childcare, transportation, education, job training, employment counseling, financial literacy, and homeownership counseling, among others.



FSS Graduate Success Stories


Ellis McCracken

Mr. McCracken was a July 2022 graduate from the FSS program.  He completed all his goals which were obtaining suitable employment, completing financial literacy classes, homeownership classes and obtaining medical and dental insurance.  Mr. McCracken is an extremely gifted and talented artist, he has volunteered at numerous events for the FWHA doing sketch art.





Aimee Gill

Ms. Gill was a May 2023 graduate from the FSS program.  She completed the program by reaching 30% fair market rent.  Aimee has obtained and maintained suitable full time employment for the duration of the time she was in the program.  She has also worked for a landscaping company part-time while on the program.




Larisa Burnett

Ms. Burnett was a December 2022 graduate from the FSS program.  She completed the program by reaching 30% fair market rent and also accomplishing some goals of completing degree, license or certificate, completing financial literacy classes and homeownership classes. Larisa has obtained and maintained the same job the whole time while on the program where she received several increases. Larisa dreams of becoming a homeowner in the near future.


Document Name Description File
FSS Action Plan FSS Action Plan Download


For more information contact [email protected] or call (260) 267-9300 ext. 7504